Feed and Seed Stores Sonora Ca
Gardening Tips for Tuolumne County
February 10, 2022

If you have a greenhouse or a protected indoor space, you can begin growing your summer veggies from seed as early as February and March!Click here for a timeline of growing vegetables from seed. Simply fill pots with good organic soil, label them with a marker or stick tag, and plant a seed in the middle. Put starts in a sunny, protected spot like a greenhouse or an indoor windowsill. Keep them watered and watch them grow! Starts can be planted outside in early May if there is no chance of frost in the 10-day forecast. We grow all of our vegetables exclusively in Blue Ribbon premium potting soil by G&B Organics. It is 100% organic, very high quality, and it holds moisture well so your seeds don't dry out between waterings. 1.5 cubic foot bags are available at the nursery for $11.49 each.
--> Can I plant in the summer? Click here for information.
October 22, 2021
With cold weather on the way, you may be worried about certain plants handling the freezing temperatures. An easy way to protect more tender plants is to add a 3-6 inch layer of mulch! There are many benefits of mulching your plants - one of the biggest is that it regulates soil temperature. In the summer it keeps soil temperature down which prevents evaporation and can help retain up to 80% more water. In the winter it insulates roots and keeps the soil warmer. In addition, a layer of mulch prevents weeds from growing by blocking sunlight from entering the soil. It also helps control soil erosion from rain and wind. Finally, as the mulch breaks down, it adds valuable nutrients to the soil that make your plants happier, healthier, and more productive. We recommend using an organic mulch like G&B Organics Soil Building Conditioner - available at our nursery in 3 cubic foot bags for just $11.49 each. Mulch your plants now to help them survive winter and come back strong in the spring!

January 5, 2021
Growing your own vegetables can be a very fun and rewarding hobby. If you want to start a summer and/or winter vegetable garden, you'll need to know the best times to get started. For summer vegetables, you can begin growing from seed as early as February for certain things. Summer vegetables grown from seed will need to be grown in small pots in a sunny spot indoors, or best in a greenhouse. If you don't choose to grow from seed, you can purchase vegetable starts beginning in

(Click photo to enlarge)
April or so from your local nurseries. Whether you grow from seed or buy starts, you should wait to plant them outdoors until there is absolutely no chance of a frost which would kill them. The final freeze date for Sonora is May 10th, and later at higher elevations. At the end of April you can check the 10-day forecast and make sure there won't be a late freeze headed your way. For winter vegetables, you can plant seeds in small pots or directly into the ground or raised beds in August. Or you can plant starts in September. Winter vegetables will not require a greenhouse as the temperatures are very warm during the planting months. Refer to the Vegetable Gardening in Tuolumne County timeline to know when certain vegetables can be planted.
October 28, 2020
We proudly carry soils, amendments, and fertilizers by G&B Organics. G&B Organics creates high quality, organic products that can help make your garden better than ever. Here are ways to use their products:
1) Planting in a pot or raised bed:If you will be planting into a pot, wine barrel, box, or raised bed, you will need a mix that is light enough to allow water to move through easily, but rich in organic material. The best options for this are Blue Ribbon Blend orRaised Bed Mix.
2) Planting in the ground: When planting in the ground, mix in a nutrient-rich amendment at a rate of 2/3 soil from the ground and 1/3 amendment. For general planting, use Harvest Supreme or Soil Building Conditioner. Use Acid Planting Mix for acid-loving plants like Maples, Dogwoods, ferns, Azaleas, Hydrangeas, and others. Use Native Planting Mix for California native plants.
3) Mulching:To increase water retention and add extra nutrients to the soil below, try mulching with a thick layer of Soil Building Conditioner.
4) Fertilizing: Feed your plants every 6-8 weeks from "Tax Day to Turkey Day", or whenever the temperature is regularly over 55 degrees. For new plantings, try Starter and for more established plants, use All Purpose. Other fertilizers can be used for more specific purposes (e.g. Rose & Flower to encourage more blooms on flowering plants)
Click here for sizes available and pricing of these products .

September 10, 2020

With summer coming to an end, it's time to start a winter vegetable garden! Plant fall veggie starts early while it's still warm (September and early October) so that they can get established before the cold comes. There are two ways to use your existing garden to plant fall vegetables: 1) Pull out your entire summer garden and start over with fall veggies or 2) Plant fall veggie starts in the open spaces between your summer plants. Even a little bit of space will be enough to get them growing until you're ready to remove your summer garden. You can mix in fresh, nutrient-rich dirt in the new hole, or simply spread it on top after planting. Use an organic fertilizer regularly to give them a boost, but you can stop fertilizing once the temperatures are regularly under 55 degrees (usually around Thanksgiving). Happy planting!
July 25, 2019
Crape Myrtles are a favorite in Tuolumne County and at this time of year it is easy to see why. They have very showy blooms in summer and are available in a variety of colors: red, white, shades of pink, and shades of purple. Like many other shrubs – Olives, Redbuds, Oleander, Pineapple Guava, Photinia, and many others – Crape Myrtles can be a bush or a tree. The tree form of these plants is the result of training the bush into a standard tree throughout its life. Unfortunately, Crape Myrtles are not deer-resistant so if you live in an area with high deer traffic then the tree form is more ideal. You can protect the tree until the lowest branches are at least 4 feet high, out of reach of deer. These shrubs/trees also

come in a range of sizes. There are dwarf varieties that only get 4-6 feet tall, some that only get 10 feet tall, most that get 15-20 feet tall, and a few that reach 25-30 feet at maturity. After the impressive summer flowers, Crape Myrtles get lovely fall color that is often a mix of yellows and oranges. The leaves fall off for winter and then it's the peeling, two-toned bark that adds an attractive feature. Crape Myrtles are often one of the last things to leaf out in the spring. While this can be alarming to have a bare tree even once spring has come, it's actually a good thing because the Crape Myrtle is protecting itself from late freezes. Trees that leaf out early and then experience a late frost will
often look unhappy for the remainder of the year. By waiting to leaf out, Crape Myrtles avoid frost damage and gear up to be a beautiful addition to any property for the remainder of the year. We carry Crape Myrtles in 5-gallon ($49.95), 15-gallon ($109.95-$159.95), and larger!
June 1, 2019

Now that the weather is finally warming up, it's a good idea to get on a consistent schedule when it comes to fertilizing your plants. Throughout the growing season (Tax Day to Turkey Day), your plants will benefit from regular fertilizer applications. Every 6-8 weeks, apply fertilizer to all of your plants as directed on the packaging. We recommend a good organic fertilizer likeG&B Organics granular and/or liquid fertilizers that we carry at the nursery. You should especially stick to organic fertilizers when it comes to plants that produce something you will consume (herbs, fruit trees, anything in your vegetable garden, etc). Organic fertilizers are also convenient because, unlike chemical fertilizers, it is just about impossible to burn your plants from adding too much. So get to fertilizing today and mark your calendar for the next application. It's worth the effort because your plants will look healthier, grow faster, produce more, and be stronger to handle the cold of the next winter.
January 18, 2019
You can help prevent leaf curl, aphids, mildew, scales, and other diseases by acting now while your plants are dormant! Certain plants – especially fruit trees and roses – are susceptible to a wide range of issues during the growing season. An easy way to prevent many of these problems is to apply a dormant (copper) oil before leaves emerge, making January a good time to do it. There are various brands of dormant oil available, or you can find homemade recipes online. You will need to wait for a dry spell to apply the dormant oil – make sure there is no chance of rain for at least 24 hours after spraying. While this can help prevent problems on all of your fruit trees, we highly recommend applying dormant oil to your peaches and nectarines at the very least. Peaches and nectarines are extremely vulnerable to Peach Leaf Curl - a fungus that causes leaves to curl up and turn bright red, but can also infect the blossoms and create raised wart-like growths on the fruit. Roses will also benefit from a dormant oil application, but you can instead plan to apply a triple threat product – a fungicide, herbicide, and fertilizer – to your roses later in the season.

December 1, 2018
It's time for the 2018 Garden Globe Awards! We've compiled a list of the top selling plants of the year in each category: deciduous tree, evergreen tree, perennial, grass, groundcover, shade shrub, sun shrub, and vine. Each plant listed here does very well in the Sonora area and, for good reason, was purchased over and over by both landscapers and homeowners in 2018.If you're not sure where to start with your landscape project, you might consider some of the plants listed here...You can't go wrong with the most popular plants of the year!
October 24, 2018
As we enjoy fall and inch toward winter, it is your last chance to fertilize your plants and trees. It is always a good idea to fertilize during the growing season, but fall is also an important time to fertilize for many reasons. Fertilizers have 3 important components: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). Nitrogen promotes the growth of foliage, which can help your plants recover from the burning hot summer we just had. Phosphorous stimulates and strengthens roots, helping plants

be hardier and more resistant to freezing. Strong roots also provide a strong base on which your plants can thrive next spring. Potassium helps cell function and improves overall plant health. These nutrients will stay in the soil through the winter and can make a world of difference for your plants come spring. We recommend using an organic fertilizer (like G&B Organics All-Purpose Fertilizer) because it works great, is 100% organic, and it is nearly impossible to over fertilize (which can happen with chemical fertilizers and burn your plants). Fertilizer only works when the temperature is 55 degrees or warmer. It's already cooling down so it's a good time to get out and feed your plants!
August 27, 2018

Here at the nursery we see it every year… the colors start to change and everybody rushes in to get their favorite fall color tree. The problem is that when you pick your tree it has to be pulled out, loaded up, driven home, unloaded, and finally planted. That much movement on a tree that is already changing colors can result in losing a lot of leaves. Also, you won't have much time (if any) to enjoy the beautiful colors if you wait until the leaves are already changing to pick your tree. We recommend getting a head start on your fall color planting. If you start early then you'll have a better selection of fall color trees to choose from (before the rush) and you'll get to actually enjoy the color at your house this year, rather than getting home with a bare tree or having to wait until next year for the colors to return. Although you've probably heard that you need to wait until fall to plant, it really is fine to plant now. Just make sure that you give your new trees plenty of water and they will be ready for a fall show!
Click here to see some of our favorite fall color trees!
June 28, 2018
You've probably heard from someone before that you should only plant in the spring or fall. This common misconception stems from the fact thattransplanting works better in cold weather. Transplanting involves digging up a plant and moving it - usually by cutting roots and leaving some of the plant behind. However, when you get a potted plant and put it in the ground or a different pot, this isreplanting it which does not involve cutting roots or really disturbing the plant at all. The entire root system of the plant is in the pot, so there is notransplanting involved. Another reason people used to say that you can only plant during the mild seasons is that this is when we get rain. Before modern irrigation, you probably would want to wait until spring or fall to plant so that the rain can water for you. This way the plant has a chance to get established before the heat of summer or cold of winter. But now with the help of irrigation, you can easily water your plants and get them going whether it's raining or not. This is good news for gardening lovers...you can plant in spring, fall, winter, and even the middle of summer (if you're willing)!

June 2, 2018

With all this hot weather, you may find your plants wilting between waterings. An easy way to remedy this is to add a 3-6 inch layer of mulch! There are many benefits of mulching your plants, one of the biggest is that it regulates soil temperature. In the summer it keeps soil temperature down which prevents evaporation and can help retain up to 80% more water. In the winter it insulates roots and keeps the soil warmer. In addition, a layer of mulch prevents weeds from growing by blocking sunlight from entering the soil. It also helps prevent soil erosion from rain and wind. Finally, as the mulch breaks down, it adds valuable nutrients to the soil that make your plants happier, healthier, and more productive. We recommend using an organic mulch like G&B Organics Soil Building Conditioner- available at our nursery for just $11.49 per bag.
April 7, 2018
With all of this wonderful rain and the beautiful weather we've been having between wet days, it is easy to catch the spring planting bug. While this is a great time to plant many things, you should be wary of any late freezes that may come. The last frost date for Sonora is May 10th. While it is rare to get a freeze that late, it is still completely possibly up until that point. Your summer garden is one of those things that could be completely wiped out by a late freeze. Unless you have a greenhouse, we recommend waiting

until the end of April to plant your summer garden. Don't forget that you can buy veggie starts that have been growing in a greenhouse for months. You should also keep an eye on the forecast before bringing out any plants that are not so cold hardy. Meyer Lemons and other citrus that were brought in for the winter can usually make it through a 32-degree freeze, but lower temperatures could really harm them. Finally, if you have a favorite tree in your yard that has already leafed out and/or flowered, you may want to protect it with a sheet or other material during a late frost. While the freeze won't kill your tree, it can zing the leaves/flowers and make the plant less vigorous overall in the growing seasons to come.

January 31, 2018
If you are looking to block out neighbors or a busy street, evergreen shrubs and trees can get the job done. Here at the nursery, one of the most common questions we get is "what can I plant for screening?". For this reason, we made a list of evergreen shrubs and trees that make good privacy screens and do well in our area. They are listed in height order (of how tall they are at maturity) from shortest to tallest. Whether you need
something 6 feet tall or 100 feet tall, this list should help you get started. On the list you will also find information on growth speed, deer-resistance, and other defining characteristics. We also included pictures of each plant starting on the third page of the list. For any questions about plants (those listed and not listed here), feel free to contact us or come by the nursery. We can try to assist you in deciding which plants will work best for you, let you know what is in stock, and give you the current prices. We hope this helps you get the privacy you are looking for!
November 2, 2017
As temperatures finally start to drop and we see rain and snow in the forecast, it is time to prepare for winter. If you have an irrigation system, you will need to turn it off to prevent freeze damage. Pay attention to the forecasts to know when it is a good time to shut off your system – before a cold snap and when precipitation is going to water your plants at least once per week. You should also drain the system if possible and insulate any valves (if valves are in a box underground, you can add insulation to the box itself). It is also a good idea to rake up fallen leaves to use as

mulch or throw into your compost pile. Mulching plants can help regulate ground temperature and insulate roots. Be sure to keep mulch away from the trunk and/or stems of your plants because this can cause rotting. You can pick your final summer veggies and throw the plants out, as they will die at first frost. If you haven't already, plant your winter veggies (although we recommend planting them in July or August for a good head start). Plants that are not cold hardy enough should be brought inside or covered during a freeze (especially Meyer Lemons and other citrus). Finally, go around your property and find weak or loose branches to cut down so that rain and snow don't cause a dangerous shower of falling branches. Doing these things now can save you time and headaches later and bring you a happier, healthier garden come spring!
June 28, 2017
While the idea of growing your own lemons, limes, oranges, and other citrus is very enticing, it is important to know how to care for them in our climate. If you are above 3,500 feet elevation, we don't recommend even trying to grow citrus because it doesn't usually get hot enough for good fruit production. If you are below 3,500 feet elevation, you can grow citrus but there is extra care involved. Most citrus is only hardy to about 20 or 25 degrees. This means that a winter frost will kill your precious bushes and trees. For this reason, we suggest keeping your citrus plants in a pot so

that it can be brought inside (or at least moved under a porch) in winter. Another option is to cover your plant completely with fabric or plastic before and during cold snaps. You could also try hanging big-bulbed Christmas lights (the kind that give off a little bit of heat) on it to prevent frost from damaging the plant. Some people have been successful by using these techniques, but it is still risky if you plan to plant your citrus in the ground. In addition to protecting it in the wintertime, be sure to plant it in good soil, place it in full sun, water regularly (daily if kept in the pot), & use a citrus fertilizer in the summer. This will encourage healthy growth and fruit production so you can enjoy yummy citrus all year.
April 26, 2017

Summer is coming and one of the greatest parts is enjoying fresh fruits and veggies. If you want to pick them straight from your own garden, it's just about time to get started! You'll want to wait until we are definitely past any late freezes (the higher up you are, the longer you should wait). First, choose a sunny spot and fence the area that will be your garden to protect it from deer and other animals. Then, you can mix compost or a soil amendment with your existing dirt, or you can fill a raised bed with a mix that is formulated for vegetables (see what soils we sell by clicking here). Next, dig little holes where you can put each of your fruit and veggie starts. Leave some room between each hole. Place the starts in the holes and pack in the extra space with your soil mix. Be sure to water daily, either by hand or with a drip system. For best results, add a fertilizer a couple times during the season. Keep an eye out for weeds that need to be pulled, and enjoy fresh produce all summer long!
April 7, 2017
We live in an area where late freezes occur almost every year. By April many plants have already leafed out and even bloomed. If we get a late frost (32 degrees or below), you can expect to see a dramatic change in your plants that have put out this new growth. Leaves and flowers that are subject to the freeze will droop and wither away, and the plant is not likely to be as full and beautiful that year. If you have a favorite plant or tree that has already leafed out, you can try to protect it during a predicted freeze period by covering it up with a sheet or blanket or some other material.

You will need to secure it well so that wind doesn't blow it away. This will help protect the leaves from getting burned too badly and give your plant a better start to the growing season. You can't do this for all of your plants, obviously, but you can try to save a few favorites. Trees that have not leafed out yet do not need to be protected and potted plants can be moved under a porch or indoors to prevent damage.

March 22, 2017
Keeping plants in decorative pots, barrels, or any other type of container requires different care than those in the ground. The most important aspect to consider is drainage. When water has no where to go it sits around and can be deadly for your precious plants. Make sure that the containers you choose have at least one hole in the bottom to allow water to escape.
Put a layer of crushed rock at the bottom, followed by soil separator fabric (or weed fabric), then pour potting soil on top. A good potting soil has bark and/or sand for drainage. This setup will let the water run freely through the soil and the rocks, and also keep the hole from getting clogged with soil or roots. Because water is leaving the container, potted plants need regular watering - every day in summer and during dry spells in winter. Finally, container plants don't have the luxury of spreading their roots to new, nutrient-rich places. This means that the soil in your pot should be fertilized regularly to ensure that your plants have everything they need to thrive. Once temperatures are above 55°, add an all-purpose fertilizer (or something more specific for your plants) every 1-2 months or as directed.
February 15, 2017
So you got a live rose for Valentine's Day and, although it doesn't have leaves or flowers now, you want to make sure that it will be happy and healthy this summer. Whether you are going to plant it or leave it in the pot, be sure that it is in a sunny spot because roses crave 6+ hours of full sun per day. Place it somewhere that deer cannot reach it or else you may never see a single flower (roses are like dessert for our furry friends). If you keep it in a pot, plan to water it every day in the summer and once a week

in the winter during dry spells. In the ground, you may only need to water it once a week in the summer and once or twice a month in the winter if there is no rain. Keep an eye on it, though, especially during hot summer months…a wilting, droopy rose is a thirsty rose. You can apply a layer of mulch on top to help conserve water, discourage weeds, and promote healthy growth. In winter, spring, or fall you should prune out dead branches. Go online for detailed pruning instructions for optimal care of your rose. Finally, find a combination product for roses at your local garden store that acts as a fungicide, insecticide, and fertilizer. Follow the instructions to add the product during the growing season to help prevent mildew, aphids, and other funguses and insects from hurting your rose. The fertilizer will also pump it up to push out strong roots and beautiful blooms. It may seem like a lot of work, but it's all worth it when you get to enjoy fragrant, stunning roses year after year after year.
January 9, 2017

Many plants lose their charm in winter, but not everything is this way. Planting things that are pretty in winter can make your property more attractive year-round and add life to an otherwise dull landscape. We put together a list of some of our favorite plants and trees that won't disappoint in the winter months!
Click here to see our list which includes pictures and descriptions of many winter-friendly plants and trees.
Many plants lose their charm in winter, but not everything is this way. Planting things that are pretty in winter can make your property more attractive year-round and add life to an otherwise dull landscape. We put together a list of some of our favorite plants and trees that won't disappoint in the winter months!
Click here to see our list which includes pictures and descriptions of many winter-friendly plants and trees.
November 11, 2016
As we inch away from fall and towards winter, we have our fingers crossed that it will be a wet one! So far we have had a few awesome rains and we can only hope that there is more to come. Water is incredibly important for plants, even in winter. It is important to remember to water your plants and trees during periods of no rain. It may be cold out so it is easy to think that the plants don't need water, but they do need a good watering once or twice a month in winter. Also, it's a good idea to water plants before a freeze. Generally, moist soil stays warmer than dry soil and also plant cells that are full of water can protect themselves better against frost. Be careful not to over-water, but pay attention to the weather and keep in mind that long dry spells and parched roots during a freeze can be deadly for your plants. For more information on when to water plants in the winter, click here!

October 17, 2016

Although we hope that the drought is ending, water is a precious commodity! Try collecting rainwater from your rooftop to give plants or use recycled water from the kitchen and bath (as long as it is not too dirty, greasy, or full of detergent). Generally it is better to water thoroughly once or twice a week rather than little and often, although smaller plants and plants in pots do need daily watering. When you buy new plants and trees, try to choose things that are native or drought-tolerant so that they will use less water once established. For more tips on saving water around your house,click here!
August 30, 2016

With fall just around the corner, get ready to plant! You can give your new plants a great start with organic compost. Making compost is as simple as mixing old fruits & veggies, plant clippings, coffee grounds, eggshells, & other biodegradable items in a bin or pile outside. To keep odors down, try adding 2 or 3 parts of "browns" (newspaper, dead leaves, paper napkins, etc.) for every 1 part of "greens" (fruit & vegetable pieces, coffee grounds, grass clippings, etc.). Don't include meat, bones, or dairy in your compost. Turn your pile once a week & layer with soil from the garden or sawdust. Add a little water to keep it moist. Within a few weeks the scraps you put in will break down & your compost should be dark with an earthy smell. In addition to planting, you can use this compost around your garden, mix it in with other soil, or apply it as a top dressing for your lawn. Composting is a efficient way to give your plants what they need while cutting down on food waste that clogs up landfills!
Read more about composting from Happy DIY Home by clicking here.
August 6, 2016
Mosquitoes may be an important part of the food chain, but you don't want them buzzing around your yard, biting you and your family every time you go outside. To help keep mosquitoes away from your favorite summer hangout spots, try adding plants that repel them naturally. Here are a few that you can try planting or leaving in pots around your property: Monarda (Bee Balm), Catnip (Nepeta), Thuja (cedar trees), Lavender, Marigolds, Society Garlic, and Rosemary.
These are available at our nursery, but there are other plants out there that can repel mosquitoes as well. Click here to see the list!

July 13, 2016

There is a simple way to improve the health, pest and disease-resistance, flower and fruit production, and overall beauty of your plants and trees! The three main chemical elements that help plants get fat and happy are Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. All of these can be found in fertilizer! To help your plants perform their best, try giving them an organic fertilizer once every 2 months during the growing seasons (spring-fall). This regular "feeding" will help your plants bush out, flower, and turn any yellowing leaves back to a healthy green. We have fertilizers available that are 100% organic & start at just $9.49 per bag. Don't let your plants go hungry!
June 29, 2016
Unfortunately we don't get to choose our soil. Some parts of Tuolumne County have a hard clay soil that makes planting difficult and risky. If you have this problem, listen up! First, test your soil for drainage. Dig a hole about one foot deep and wide. Fill that hole with water and keep an eye on it. If it drains completely within 3-4 hours, you can go ahead and plant. If it doesn't drain, you will need to amend your soil to avoid drowning whatever you plant. There are two things you can try. One: dig your hole twice as deep and twice as wide as the bucket of your plant and fill the bottom with base rock (like gravel), then plant on top. This should help with the drainage. Two: try a bag of our Soil Building Conditioner to mix in with your native soil. It improves drainage, promotes healthy roots, and adds micro-nutrients to the soil. NOTE THAT THESE METHODS ARE TESTS! You should first try it with one or two plants to see if it works on your property.

June 15, 2016

One of the best parts about summer is enjoying fresh fruits and veggies. If you want to pick them straight from your own garden, it's time to get started!
First, fence the area that will be your garden to protect it from deer. Then, mix compost into the dirt. Use a shovel to turn the dirt and add compost as you go. Next, dig little holes where you can put each of your fruit and veggie starts (get yours at our nursery for just $4 each!). Give each plant some space. Place the starts in the holes and fill in the space with your dirt/compost mix. Be sure to water, especially during hot summer days. Keep an eye out for weeds that need to be pulled, and enjoy fresh produce all summer long!
June 2, 2016
Everyone knows that plants need water, but deciding how much to give them can be a challenge. If you have a drip system, it is pretty easy: most emitters give 2-gallons per hour and these can be set to run for 30 minutes each day (totalling 1-gallon per emitter). For 1-gallon and 5-gallon plants and trees, use one emitter. For 15-gallons, use two emitters. For larger plants use more emitters. If you don't have a drip system, create a dirt berm around the base of the plant to create a large basin above the roots. Add 2-3 inches of mulch in the basin. Fill the basin with water every day or every other day. Keep an eye on your plants! If the leaves are yellowing, browning, or wilting, it probably needs more water.

May 10, 2016

With so many things blossoming right now, it can be tempting to plant a whole bunch of spring bloomers. However, it's a good idea to mix it up by choosing some plants that are blooming now, some that pop in summer, some that have fall color, and maybe some evergreens or boulders that don't die out in winter. This way your property can look great all year long! When plant shopping you should ask questions and do research to find out when specific plants bloom and for how long. You could also start plant shopping now, then do little more in summer and fall so you can choose your plants as they bloom!
April 5, 2016
Many people think that spring is the only time to plant, but this is not true. The reason for spring planting is the weather: it is not too hot to be outside planting, and with some rain you don't have to worry about watering diligently. In summer, putting plants in the ground is just fine but you need to be sure to water frequently during and after transplanting. Fall is a great time to plant because it gives plants a chance to get established before spring. Winter is also good because most plants go dormant and won't be harmed when moved (especially if roots need to be cut). So if you can't plant this spring, don't worry! There is still plenty of time.

March 16, 2016

While it can be very tempting to buy the pretty plants that are on display at local supermarkets and hardware stores, it is important to know what you are buying and to ask questions. Remember that Tuolumne County faces cold winters, dry summers, hungry deer, and drought (although we hope it is ending!). Do your research and avoid wasting money on plants that won't survive in our area. Be aware also that many of these catchy plants are "annuals". These are beautiful and tend to produce more flowers than "perennials", but they must be replanted each year. It comes down to what you are looking for. For looks, buy annuals; for low maintenance, get perennials.
March 7, 2016
Pruning is the key to keeping your fruit trees attractive and productive. Start by cutting out dead or damaged branches and any sprouts coming from the base of the trunk. Next, remove any branches growing downwards and those that cross over others, competing for space. Continue by thinning the tree until there is a good 6-12 inches of air space around every branch. Finish up by giving the tree a hair cut - prune back the outermost growth of the tree. Note that pruning must be done before the tree has leaves. Cuts should be made flush to the branch, and sharp sheers work best.

February 15, 2016

As the weather warms and plants begin to bloom, you may notice that weeds begin to pop up as well. It is a good idea to start weeding now because young weeds, whose roots are not well developed yet, are the easiest to pull out of the ground. Also, mature weeds can seed and quickly produce hundreds more weeds. Weekly weeding will help you stay on top of removing the young weeds before they mature. When weeding, it is important pull out the entire weed - including the root. Removing only the visible part lets the weed continue to get sunlight which will allow it to grow back.
January 28, 2016
In winter, many plants lose their leaves and are dormant. This is a good time to prune to get them ready to produce more and looking great for spring! A few tips: Prune on a mild, dry day. First prune out dead/diseased branches and remove the overgrown branches to increase light and air at the crown of the tree. Your goal is to keep the branches that develop or maintain the structure of the tree. Cut branches where one branch or twig attaches to another. For more info and to find out which plants should not be pruned in winter, click here!

January 11, 2016

In the winter months, some deciduous plants may appear to be dead because of their lack of leaves. If you are worried that any of your plants are dead, try the scratch test. Gently use your fingernail to scrape the bark on a twig of the tree or the stem of the plant. When the top layer is scratched off you will see one of two things. If you see a moist green interior, it is alive. If you see a brown or darkly colored interior that is brittle and dry, it is dead. Sometimes plants can be nursed back to health, but this takes time and is likely to be unsuccessful.
December 28, 2015
As the holidays come to an end, it is time to think about what to do with your most important Christmas decoration: the tree. If you chose a live tree, you can keep it in the pot to use again or plant it and watch it grow! If you chose a cut tree, you can (and should) recycle it. There are free drop-off locations in Tuolumne County and this year you can even get a load of mulch in exchange for your cut tree! Click here to learn more about where you can go to recycle your cut tree.

December 11, 2015
A live Christmas tree is a great alternative to both plastic and cut trees because you can plant it when the season is over! If you chose a live tree this year, keep in mind that it should only be inside for 10-14 days. It's a good idea to put the tree in a box or bowl to catch the water that will run out the bottom of the bucket. While it is in a pot, it should be watered regularly, even daily. Pay attention to the top 1 inch of soil - when this is dry, it is time for more water. A good clue to a dry tree is dropping needles. If this happens, your tree may need more water and/or some time outside away from the dry, hot air within the house. Merry Christmas!
December 2, 2015
Although winter is a good time to prune most things, maple trees are an exception. If you prune a maple tree in the winter or springtime before it has leaves, the sap bleeds out. This doesn't harm the tree (in fact, this is how we get maple syrup from Sugar Maples!), but it doesn't look very pretty and it may take a long time for the bleeding to stop. If you have a maple tree that needs pruning, wait until it has leaves again. It may still bleed a little, but this should stop soon after.

November 24, 2015

For a deer-tolerant property, it takes more than simply choosing plants that deer don't typically eat. September-December is rutting season and it is a time when bucks rub their antlers against young, flexible trees. You can protect your trees by surrounding them with a home-made deer cage using wire mesh and stakes. For trees with small trunks, you can also try cutting a slit in FLEX drain pipe and wrapping it directly around the trunk. Deer eat and rut to about 4 feet high, so you need to protect your trees accordingly!
November 13, 2015
So you got a new tree and you take it home to plant. But then you realize that you're not sure of the best way to do this...
We recommend digging a hole that is about as deep as the container that the tree is in, but a little wider. Remove the container, set the tree in the hole, and fill it gently, but firmly with a mix of 25% compost and 75% soil (use the soil that you removed when digging the hole). You can use more compost if the soil quality is poor. Level out the ground where the hole was and water regularly until the tree is established.

October 17, 2015

Although it isn't the only time to plant, fall is considered the best time to put new plants and trees in the ground to get ready for an early spring bloom. The weather outside is cooling, so plants go dormant. However, the ground is still warm, giving roots a chance to spread out and get established before the winter months. Also, due to rainfall, they don't need to be watered. It's time to get planting!
More tips to come! Stay tuned...
Source: https://www.solomonsgardens.net/gardening-tips
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